
There are 358 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
Tactile Sensitivity

sensitive to the touch

Td vaccine

booster to the DTaP vaccine. It helps prevent tetanus and diphtheria. given to a child 11 years old or older and every 10 years throughout life.


interstice is an empty space or gap


persistent prescence of abrupt, repetitive involuntary movements and sounds that have been described as caricatures of normal physical acts.

Tinnitus (ringing in the ear)

medical term for hearing noises in your ears when there is no outside source of the sounds. They can be soft or loud.

Tongue Thrusting

pushes the tongue against the teeth when swallowing

Tongue tied (Ankyloglossia)

improper positioning of tongue tissue in the mouth, which restricts the tongue's free movement.

Tonic seizures

brief seizures, usually less than 60 seconds, consisting of sudden onset of increased tone in extensor muscles.

Tonic-clonic seizures

seizure involving the entire body. Also known as Grand Mal Seizure. Usually involves muscle rigidity, violent muscle contractions, and loss of consciousness.


surgery to remove the tonsils, the glands are at the back of your throat.


inflammation (swelling) of the tonsils.


neck is twisted so that head is is held/tipped to one side, while the chin is turned to the other.

Total anomalous pulmonary venous return

rare congenital malformation in which all four pulmonary veins do not connect normally to the left atrium but instead drain into the right atrium by way of an abnormal connection.


when chromosomes break and the fragments rejoin to other chromosomes.

Trichorino-Phalangal Syndrome

extremely rare inherited contiguous gene syndrome results when mutations, usually deletions, occur in two or more genes that map next to each other on a chromasome.multisystem

Trouble transitioning (water in the lung

pulmonary edema. Swelling of the lungs.


a graphic representation of the acoustic impedance and air pressure of the middle ear and the mobility of the tympanic membrane, measured as part of the audiologic test battery.

Type I diabetes

previously labeled insulin-dependent, or juvenile, diabetes -- is caused by the destruction of cells in the pancreas (an organ located just behind the stomach) that produce the hormone insulin.

Type Ii diabetes

previously labeled insulin-dependent, or juvenile, diabetes -- is caused by the destruction of cells in the pancreas (an organ located just behind the stomach) that produce the hormone insulin.