
There are 358 entries in this glossary.
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Term Definition
Debulking/ radical surgical procedures

surgical procedure used to reduce the amount of abnormal tissue but not necessarily completely remove it. Often used when a malignant tumor cannot be completely removed because of its location.

Deep Tendon Reflexes

involuntary jerks produced when certain spots on the limbs are tapped with a rubber hammer

Deep-seated infections including septice

serious infection involving the inside of the body. Can affect the blood (septicemia) or specific organs (like the liver, kidneys, etc).


significant loss of fluid (can result from diarrhea or vomiting)

Delayed Myelination

sheath that covers the nerve fibers which did not form at the usual stage of development

Dental antibiotic prophylaxis

routine use of antibiotics before a dental procedure. Often used for people who have artificial materials, implants or prosthetic devices in their body (hip replacement, heart valves, etc)

Depth perception problems

difficulty using both eyes together to judge depths or distances. Often due to strabismus, lazy eye or an injured eye.

Diabetes insipidus (vasopressin deficien

condition where the kidneys are not able to conserve water and there is excess urination. it is often due to an abnormality or lack of a hormone called vasopressin.

Diet controlled

use of nutrition and food to control disease. Often used to describe the ability to control blood sugar (diabetes) by eating the proper low-sugar foods or reducing salt intake to lower blood pressure.

Dilated Renal Pelvis

outlet of the kidney is enlarged where urine is passed into the ureter

Distichiasis syndrome

abnormal growth of eyelashes which can often rub on the inside of the eye. May occur alone or with other eyelid problems.


a long, narrow head

Doppler/Duplex studies

ultrasound that measures blood flow and pressure in blood vessels.

Downslanting Palpebral Fissures

eye opening appears slanted downwards from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner of the eye

Drainage of ascitic fluid

removal of excess fluid in the abdomen (stomach) by use of a large needle and syringe.

DTaP vaccine

3 vaccines combined into one injection. protects against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis. It's given as a series of 5 shots over a number of years.

Duplicate or extra kidney

third kidney that normally does not cause complications, but occasionally can cause urinary tract infections.


learning disability that impairs a person's math skills.


learning disability that impairs a person's fluency or accuracy in being able to read, speak, and spell.


language disorder that affects the ability of a person to understand written words or speech (receptive dysphasia) or to use language to express their needs and talk (expressive dysphasia).

Dysplastic Ears

ears appear simple, underdeveloped, or the upper part of the ear does not appear folded over enough

Dysplastic Fingernails/Toenails

underdeveloped, thin, easily peel off

Dysplastic kidney(s) (malformed kidney(s

malformed kidney that results in multiple cysts in the kidney and poor kidney function.


neurological movement disorder, in which sustained muscle contractions cause twisting and repetitive movements or abnormal postures.