Learn more about participation, privacy and how to make the most of being a Registry participant. If you don't find the answer you are looking for here, please contact us.
About the Registry
What is a registry?
It's an online platform where individuals can take surveys, upload medical records, track health outcomes, and learn about the latest research and clinical trials.
Registry data is safeguarded and de-identified which makes it possible to share with researchers and drug developers working to help find new and better treatments for disease. Data is also shared with patients, giving Registry participants the opportunity to learn how others are managing similar health challenges.
About participating
Who can join the Registry?
This Registry is meant for people living with or at risk of developing a health condition. Children who are younger than 18 years of age, or adults who cannot make their own medical decisions, must have their legal guardian, parent, or custodian register on their behalf.
Why join the Registry?
Your voice matters. The more information we collect about an illness through patient surveys and uploaded medical reports, the closer we can get to helping communities find treatments that work.
With your participation, we can:
- Study why individuals have different symptoms
- Learn which treatments work and which don't
- Help medical professionals improve how they treat affected individuals with the condition
- Speed up research by collecting information that scientists can use
- Inform people living with health conditions (or their families) when they may be eligible for research studies or clinical trials
If I have already joined a registry, can I still join the Registry?
Yes. Joining the Registry will make a real difference because data will be shared with patients and people who can help improve their lives.
Your privacy
Who will have access to my Registry information?
Your privacy is our priority. Only trained Registry managers will have access to your identifying information. You can set your sharing preferences for each survey that you complete. You can also change your sharing preferences at any time. All personal identifiers, such as your name or email address, are removed before your answers are shared. We built our systems to make sure your data is safeguarded.
In accordance with your contact preferences, your email address will only be used by Invitae for direct messages.
How will my identity be protected?
All personal identifiers, such as your name or email address, are removed before your information is shared unless you ask us to disclose your contact information.
Who owns the data?
You own your data. Patients opt in and choose to share their information, and they can just as easily opt out. We are grateful that so many Registry participants are willing to share their information to support research.
Who, besides me, can access the data?
With your permission, de-identified information is made available to the greater medical community, including non-profit organizations, advocacy groups, doctors, research scientists, medical investigators, regulatory agencies, pharmaceutical, biotech, and biomedical companies.
Can I withdraw if I change my mind?
Yes. You can change your sharing preferences or ask to withdraw your information from the Registry in full at any time. De-identified information shared before you leave the Registry cannot be recalled.
Who should I contact if I have any questions?
All of our contact information is available on the Contact Us page if you have any questions.
About clinical trials
How will I learn about clinical trials?
Researchers cannot contact you directly. The Registry coordinator will send you information about a study or clinical trial by email. If you are interested, we will tell you how to get involved.
Does joining the Registry guarantee a spot in a clinical trial?
No, because every trial has specific participant criteria that must be met. The benefit of being part of a research-ready community is that it is easier to learn about trial opportunities and identify patients who are likely to fit the trial or study criteria.
Should I join the Registry if I don't want to be involved in a clinical trial?
Absolutely! Your survey and medical information can help the entire medical community, including people you've never met.
How much time does it take to participate?
Participating is easy and can be done whenever you have time. It takes less than ten minutes to set up an account. Survey completion times vary from five or ten minutes to an hour depending on the complexity of questions and the disease. If you need more time to finish a survey, you can save your answers and log in again later.
Will I be asked to provide more information in the future?
Yes. The data is most valuable when it is kept up-to-date. You will receive a reminder to update your information at least once a year and can make updates anytime you experience a health change or you have new information to post.
Will it cost anything to join this Registry?
About Dystonia Medical Research Foundation
Who is Dystonia Medical Research Foundation?
The Global
Dystonia Registry compliments the work of the Dystonia Coalition, a clinical research effort supported by the National Institutes of Health.
The goal of the Global Dystonia Registry is to support future dystonia studies, including clinical and research trials. Although the focal dystonia's have many different manifestations, most experts believe they share a common pathogenesis or mechanism that causes the disorder.
The common causes may be a similar gene defect, similar lifetime experiences, or both. Collecting information from different patient populations may help us identify the common features that they may share.
About Invitae (the registry platform provider)
Who is Invitae?
Invitae is a genetic information company whose mission is to bring genetic information into mainstream medical practice to improve the quality of healthcare for billions of people. We believe that patients own their data and have the right to share it in a manner that protects their privacy.
Through the acquisition of AltaVoice, formerly PatientCrossroads, Invitae amplifies the voice of patients to optimize the search for better treatments through multiple patient-centered programs, including Patient Insights Networks℠ (PINs). Since 2007, AltaVoice developed programs for more than 400 diseases through its work with more than 100 advocacy groups, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI), as well as biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
Invitae’s ongoing genetic test offerings combined with AltaVoice’s database of more than 75,000 patients brings together valuable capabilities, technology, and data to accelerate the use of genetic information for the diagnosis and treatment of hereditary diseases.
How does Invitae communicate with PIN participants?
Invitae serves as a trusted intermediary to protect patient privacy. Advocacy organizations, researchers and pharmaceutical companies can request messages be sent to targeted groups of participants. Invitae will distribute emails to participants who have expressed their willingness to receive information.
Communications to participants are only sent by trained Invitae PIN coordinators. Invitae only shares a participant's contact information if the participant grants permission.