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Term Definition

number of chromosomes in the nucleus of a cell and what they look like under a light microscope.

Kaufman method for Apraxia

way of teaching children with apraxia of speech the easiest way of saying words until they have increased motor-speech coordination. They are actually taught the shell of words without including too many of the complex consonants, vowels, or syllables which make a word too difficult to even attempt on a motor basis.

Ketogenic diet

high fat, high protein, low carb diet found helpful in some seizure disorders in infants.

Kidney scan

diagnostic test using a small amount of radioactive material to examine for kidney abnormalities.

Kidney stones

deposits of various minerals forming hard stones that may cause pain and blockage of kidney function.

Kidney ultrasound

diagnostic test using soundwaves to discover kidney abnormalities or stones.


spine bulges at the upper back; humpbacked