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Term Definition
Facial Asymmetry

right and left sides of the face seem out of proportion to each other

Failure to progress (the baby was not co

when apparently effective labor does not lead to delivery of the baby.

Failure to thrive

Defined in terms of weight, and can be evaluated either by a low weight for the child's age, or by a low rate of increase in the weight.


Able to see distant objects better than objects at close range.

Febrile seizures

convulsion that occurs in association with a rapid increase in body temperature. Febrile seizures are common in infants and young children and, fortunately, are usually of no lasting importance.

Feeding difficulty

failure of an infant or child under six years of age to eat enough food to gain weight and grow normally over a period of one month or more. The disorder can also be characterized by the loss of a significant amount of weight over one month. Feeding disorder is similar to failure to thrive, except that no medical or physiological condition can explain the low food intake or lack of growth.

FG Syndrome (Opitz-Kaveggia Syndrome)

May affect male infants and include hypotonia (reduced muscle tone) with global developmental delay and subsequent learning disability; imperforate or narrowed anus (skin covered or blocked bottom) or severe constipation; high prominent forehead with larger than average head circumference and somewhat widened and flattened-appearing thumbs and great toes. Brain scan may show a lesion called agenesis of the corpus callosum that is not in itself harmful.


formation of an abnormal amount of fibrous tissue in an organ or part as the result of inflammation, irritation, or healing

Fine motor

ability to make precise movements, particularly with fingers/hands


fluorescence in situ hybridization. A technique used to identify segments (or missing segments) of a chromosome.

Flat feet

condition of the feet in which the arch of the instep is flattened and the entire sole touches the ground.

Flat Midface

middle part of the face below the eyes and above the mouth seems depressed or flattened

Flu vaccine

(Influenza vaccine) is available by shot or by nasal spray. The flu shot contains dead viruses. The nasal-spray vaccine contains live but weakened viruses. You cannot get the flu from the flu shot or the nasal-spray vaccine.


surgical instrument in the form of a pair of pincers, used esp in the delivery of babies

Fragile X Syndrome

syndrome characterized by prominent or long ears, a long face, delayed speech, large testes (macroorchidism), hyperactivity, tactile defensiveness, gross motor delays, and autistic-like behaviors.

Frequent hiccups

(the sound caused by) a sudden brief stopping of the breath caused by eg eating or drinking too much, too quickly.

Frequent vomiting

recurring attacks of vomiting

Frontal Lobe Hypoplasia

front part of the brain is underdeveloped

Full Brow

forehead seems broad

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (f

movie made using MRI. Used to study the operation of the brain.

Fungal infections

inflammatory condition caused by a fungus